
WordPress Online Magazine Manager Plugin: Released

July 7, 2011

We finally took the time to carefully package one of our internal products and release it to the public! You’ll hopefully like ourĀ WordPress Online Magazine Manager Plugin that can now be easily evaluated through the demo site we have setup. It is simple to install (like any other WP plugin), and requires no configuration.

WordPress Magazine Manager Plugin is a web-based magazine solution. Here are some of the benefits right out of the box:

  • Easily add/manage new issues
  • Add as many articles as you wish and associate them with specific issues
  • Group articles into rubrics
  • Launch an issue only when you are fully satisfied with the content
  • Search-engine optimized URL and content
  • Quickly display widgets that link to the latest issue
  • Easily Link to the latest issue in the menu
  • Plugin can be modified or extended easily, since you will have access to the source code
  • Get all theĀ advantages of WordPress when installing the plugin

We will try to release new products more frequently as they would be more affordable to webmasters who aren’t looking for a custom built solution.

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